Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum
Who we are?
The Flemish Supercomputer Center (Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum - VSC) is a partnership between the five Flemish universities and their university associations: Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen, Universitaire Associatie Brussel, Associatie Universiteit Gent, Associatie KU Leuven and Associatie Universiteit-Hogescholen Limburg. This consortium brings together knowhow in scientific and technical computing (including high performance computing, high throughput computing, cloud computing and data processing) in Flanders, and houses infrastructure in four hubs: the datacenters of the universities of Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Leuven. The VSC is managed by the Research Fund – Flanders (FWO).

Our Mission & Vision
The VSC encourages the use of scientific and technical computing in the Flemish academic and industrial landscape. To this end, it offers infrastructure, training and services. In addition, VSC acts as a lever to promote the importance of scientific and technical computing and its added value to society.

Our Goals
Offer its target audience access to diversified ICT infrastructure that is tailored to the needs of scientific/technical computing.
Provide a common user environment on the computing infrastructure, which is available in the local hubs.
Support its users so that they can lift their research and development to a higher level by using scientific/technical computing.
Inform about the capabilities and achievements of scientific/technical computing and its potential added value.
Actively promote scientific/technical computing in Flemish industry and foster the exchange of ideas and expertise between research institutions and industry.
Offer a diverse and coordinated training program across the VSC consortium to stimulate and advance the uptake of scientific/technical computing in new and existing users.
Engage and actively participate in international initiatives such as EuroHPC, PRACE and Horizon 2020, and cooperate with other centers focusing on scientific/technical computing.
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