
The Flemish Supercomputer Center (Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum - VSC) brings together knowhow in scientific and technical computing in Flanders, This center is managed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in a partnership between the five Flemish university associations:

VSC Management Board
In order to optimize the operation of the VSC, to make the VSC organization more vigorous, and to meet the (future) needs of a growing number of stakeholders, the FWO board of directors set up a Management Board for the VSC on 18 September 2019.
The VSC Management Board may not be limited to current users, so the new Strategic Management Board comprises representatives from universities, strategic research centers, Flemish scientific organizations, and the industry.
The VSC is working hard on expanding its service (with a cloud and a data component in addition to computing power) and must be ready for new challenges that extend beyond the limits of the current VSC offering.
High-end Computing Board Flanders
Walter Lioen (chair)
UGent: Johan Van Camp | Substitute: Toon Van Hoecke
UAntwerpen: Wim Vanroose | Substitute: Wouter Herrebout
KU Leuven: Ingrid Barcena Roig | Substitute: Leen Van Rentergem
VUB: Stefan Weckx | Substitute: Wim Thierry
UHasselt: Fred Vermolen | Substitute: Sorin Pop
SOC: Frederik Coppens (VIB) | Substitute: Wilfried Verachtert (imec)
VWI: Frederik Leliaert (Plantentuin Meise) | Substitute: Steven Dessein (Plantentuin Meise)
Representative Board of Directors FWO – Jos van Sas (Nokia)
Representative Industrial Board | Herman Van der Auweraer
Representative User committee | Francisco Tjess Hernandez
Representative Operational team | Stefan Becuwe
Observers | Geert Van Grootel (EWI) and Hans Willems (FWO)
Management Team (MT)
Stefan Becuwe | UAntwerpen
Jan Ooghe | KU Leuven
Ewald Pauwels | UGent
Ward Poelmans | VUB
User committee
Advisory board to consolidate user requirements and improve VSC services
Kurt De Grave | Flanders Make
Jan Goedgebeur | UGent
Álvaro Cortés Calabuig | KU Leuven/UZ Leuven Genomics Core
Hans De Winter | UAntwerpen
Jochen Schütz | UHasselt
Catharina Olsen | UZ Brussel
Francisco Tjess Hernandez | VLIZ | Chair
Paul De Geest | VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology
Hossein Ghorbanfekr | VITO
Martin Diehl | KU Leuven
Lander Willem | UAntwerpen
Industrial board
Advisory board to promote and facilitate interaction with the Flemish industry
Roel Wuyts | imec
Ferdinand Casier | Agoria
Els Nagels | InsPyro
Wouter van Putte | Puxano
Peys Kurt | VLAIO
Louise Berteloot | AZ Delta
Ine Vandebeek | Diabatix
Herman Van Auweraer | Siemens | Chair
Pieter Verbeke | Umicore
Tier-1 evaluation committee
Evaluates applications for Tier-1 access on technical grounds
Lilit Axner | EuroHPC JU, Luxembourg | Chair
Valeriu Codreanu | SURF, The Netherlands
Tuomas Koskela | Advanced Research Computing group, University College London, UK
Fouilloux Anne | Simula, Norway
Esclapez Lucas | Nederlands eScience Center, The Nederlands
Emmerson Andrew | Cineca, Italy