Press Kit
In this page you will find the logos of the VSC | Flemish Supercomputer Center in its different formats and purposes along with the official presentation templates, for any further information on our logos and communication, please contact us at info@vscentrum.be.
The VSC uses the Flanders Art Sans & Flanders Art Serif family fonts that has been specially developed for the Flemish government.
You can request the fonts via https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/communicatie/huisstijl
Color Palette
VSC Orange
CMYK: 12/70/94/0
RGB: 219/108/48
HEX: #d96c31
VSC Black
CMYK: 0/0/0/92
RGB: 65/65/57
HEX: #383839
VSC White
CMYK: 0/0/0/5
RGB: 241/241/242
HEX: #f1f2f2
CMYK: 3/94/100/0
RGB: 232/50/35
HEX: #e83223
CMYK: 8/41/99/0
RGB: 232/160/35
HEX: #e8a023
CMYK: 2/53/98/0
RGB: 242/142/36
HEX: #f28e24
CMYK: 0/83/97/0
RGB: 242/82/36
HEX: #f25224
VSC Logos

Presentation Template

Virtual Background

Great photography tells the VSC story, conveys the spirit of our services & infrastructure, and compels others to look more closely. A photo is the first thing we see on a page. It can draw us in and fuel our imagination.
When using our photography, it’s important to know when & where to use specific photography styles.
Please contact us here if you need a different resolution.